George Ward Tennis Center (GWTC)


Current News


Junior Tournament
August 16, 2014

Our Junior Tournament took place on Saturday, 8/16/14, at the George Ward Tennis Center. Below are pictures of some of the adults that helped with the tournament...





Arthur Ashe Essay Contest-Daryl
August 4, 2014

Daryl Perkins won the 2014 Arthur Ashe Contest for having the best essay in the State of Alabama. He and one of his parents will attend the Winston-Salem Pro Tournament that will take place from Saturday, August 16th...





Tennis Festival
August 2, 2014

A tennis festival was held at the George Ward Tennis Center on Saturday, 8/2/14, by Learning Excellence Though Tennis (LETT). Kevin Theos was the overall coordinator. The kids played several fun games...





Youth Games
July 12, 2014

The Birmingham Youth Games was played at George Ward on Saturday, 7/12/14. We would like to thank Scotty Colson and Tyrone Williams, City of Birmingham, for allowing the Youth Games to continue for another year...





Coach Rachel's Departure
July 8, 2014

Coach Rachel Daniell taught our high performance juniors at George Ward this past summer. She will be entering her last year at the University of Alabama Birmingham (UAB) and wants to enter medical school after she graduates...





May 27, 2014

Gardeners from the City of Birmingham came to maintain our garden in front of the ProShop during the month of May. We really appreciated them coming as well as their excellent work!!...





Pressure Washers
May 27, 2014

Workers from the City of Birmingham came to pressure wash our courts during the month of May. The management staff at George Ward would like to thank Mr. Debardlabon and his team for their excellent work!!...





Tennis Outfits
March 29, 2014

Sandy Berglund collected tennis outfits from a group of ladies that wanted to donate these outfits to juniors as well as adults at the George Ward Tennis Center. This event was held on Saturday, 3/29/14, from 10am to noon...





PTR Class
March 22, 2014

Professional Tennis Registry (PTR) class was held at George Ward on Saturday from 9am to about 4pm. This class was being done to bring on new instructors or for instructors to gain more knowledge...





UAB Clinic
February 22, 2014

The UAB Ladies Tennis Team put on two clinic on Saturdday, 2/22/14, at the George Ward Tennis Center. The head coach of the UAB Ladies team is Coach Mark Tjia and his assistant coach is Coach Antonia Nugent...





Pro Tournament Clinic
February 13, 2014

Five of our juniors participated in a clinic at the Pro Tournament at the BJCC on Thursday, 2/13/14, at 6pm. Juniors participating were Abeni, Chinonye, Jahnah, Kennedy and Yasmin. Coach Lewis was also one of the four coaches participating...





Play Day Grand Prix
August 3, 2013

The rallyball finals was held on Saturday, 8/3/13, at 12:30pm. The George Ward Tigers played the George Ward Flaming Phonix and the Tigers won 138 to 134. Please click here to see more pictures. Thanks to all the volunteers that made this event a success!!...





Disability Program
June 15, 2013

On Saturday, 6/15/13, the City of Birmingham (Senator Coleman, Director of ADA Compliance, and Mrs. Cade) sponsored a Disability Program for kids and invited the parents to participate at the George Ward Tennis Center. Special thanks to Coach Corky Clark, Mrs. Renita Harrigan, Alyxandria Harrigan, Eugene Jeong...





Play Day
June 1, 2013

Our 60 foot 11 and under Play Day competition was held at the George Ward Tennis Center on Saturday, 6/1/13. We had 12 juniors to sign-in. We would like to thank Coach Kevin Theos for coordinating the matches and Coach Vila Fisher, Coach Daryl Perkins and Coach Rudy Lewis for monitoring the matches...





UAB Men & Women
February 17, 2013

University of Alabama Birmingham (UAB) are playing the majority of their college tennis matches at the George Ward Tennis Center. Pictured on the left are some of the UAB Men and pictured on the right are some of the UAB Ladies...





Beverly's College Win
February 15, 2013

Beverly Vappie played her first college tennis match with Spelman College on Friday, 2/15/13, and won her match against Oglethorpe. Beverly was in our junior program at George Ward. Congratulations Beverly on your victory!...





Enrichment Mr Perkins
November 10 , 2012

Mr. Alfred Perkins, a partner at a law firm, presented to our juniors what it takes to become a lawyer. We would like to thank Mr. Perkins for the very good presentation and valuable information he gave to our juniors. Pictured below from left to right is Mrs. Renita Harrigan, Alyxandria Harrigan, Mr. Alfred Perkins...





Nickelodeon Play Day
September 15, 2012

Our Nickelodeon Play Day was on Saturday, 9/15/12, from 9am to noon at George Ward Tennis Center. We would like to thank the coaches and volunteers for making this event a success! In the picture on the left are the juniors that made the most points in our events...





Lets Move
August 25, 2012

The YMCA had a Lets Move (Michelle Obama) program on Saturday, 8/25/12. We participated in this program and Amber Jones, Victoria Linson, Daryl Perkins and Coach Lewis volunteered to help teach tennis to the kids and adults that participated. Please click here to see more pictures...





Birmingham Youth Games
July 27, 2012

Pictured below are our Jazz Fun Night Competition winners from our Friday, 6/1, competition. Pictured on the left is Angela Sanders who was the winner of the beginner level bracket with Coach Ken Robinson. Pictured on the right is Angela Rembert (winner of the intermediate level bracket) being congratulated by George Rembert (second place winner)...





Jazz Night Winners
June 1, 2012

Pictured below are our Jazz Fun Night Competition winners from our Friday, 6/1, competition. Pictured on the left is Angela Sanders who was the winner of the beginner level bracket with Coach Ken Robinson. Pictured on the right is Angela Rembert (winner of the intermediate level bracket) being congratulated by George Rembert (second place winner)...





City Council Award Winners
May 29, 2012

At the City Council Meeting on Tuesday, 5/29/12, our George Ward Juniors, George Ward Lady Warriors, James Lewis Ladies and James Lewis Men were all honored for their accomplishments. Below is a picture taken with Mayor William Bell...





Mr. Jarvis Patton Visit
July 14, 2011

Mr. Jarvis Patton, Chief of Operations for the City of Birmingham came to visit the George Ward Tennis Center on Thursday, 7/14/11. Mr. Patton met several of our Junior Players and has challenged some of them to a match...





Wheelchair Exhibition
June 11, 2011

Our wheelchair exhibition took place on Saturday, 6/11/11, at 10am at the George Ward Tennis Center. Pictured below from left to right are Mike Neville, Dan Lackman, Rudy Roussel with Senator Linda Coleman. Melvin Miller...





Wheelchair Tennis
May 12, 2011

We will be having an wheel chair exhibition match at George Ward on Saturday, 6/11/11, at 10am. We want as many wheelchair people to come out on 6/11/11 and sign-up for wheelchair tennis lessons...





Fun Day
April 2, 2011

Fun Day at George Ward Tennis Center was on Saturday, 4/2/11. We had 18 participants to come and either be exposed to tennis for the first time or improve their skills. This event was from 10am to noon...






Our Mission
The James Lewis Education and Tennis Foundation was formed to provide scholarships to junior tennis players; support educational and character development programs; and support overall tennis play and tennis skills development.

George Ward Tennis Center is owned & operated under the James Lewis Education and Tennis Foundation.
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